Get a Smart Divorce Blog
Collaborative Divorce
Posted on May 31, 2016
Collaborative divorce, is it right for your situation? That depends on many factors. A key factor is, the amount of money you want to spend on your divorce. A collaborative divorce is expensive. Plan on spending at least $25,000 if you take this route. It is often far more than this amount. If you...…
Divorce Stock Options
Posted on April 23, 2016
Divorce stock options is the topic for this blog. Stock options frequently vest over 3–5 years. This means that the options are vested one third in year one (each spouse would be vested one sixth), two thirds in year two (each spouse would be vested one third) and fully vested in year three (each...…
After Divorce Financial Security
Posted on March 4, 2016
After divorce financial security is a common concern. The best way to ensure your financial future is to roll up your shirt sleeves and become very familiar with the financial issues. This will be intimidating even if you handle the family finances. If you have not paid the bills, you may feel...…
Divorce and Lump Sum Alimony
Posted on January 27, 2016
Divorce and lump sum alimony is the discussion for this blog. A client walked into my Brentwood, TN office today and indicated she wanted lump sum alimony. In this scenario, the wife is requesting she receive her alimony payments all at once at the time of the divorce rather than each month for a...…
Divorce and Social Security Benefits
Posted on October 20, 2015
Divorce and social security are important topics that should be reviewed prior to accepting a settlement. Here are some basic facts… If you have been married at least 10 years and are unmarried, you are eligible to receive either your monthly Social Security benefit or up to half of your spouses...…
Divorce and Taxes
Posted on August 9, 2015
The words divorce and taxes and not typically used in the same sentence. By this I mean, those divorcing are not typically thinking about taxes. They are lucky to be able to get through a day and function… If you are divorcing consider this, the IRS will consider you divorced if you are divorced...…
Divorce and Money
Posted on June 23, 2015
Divorce and money are often discussed from an emotional point of view. If you are divorcing, you are likely scared you won't have enough after the divorce. If we think of the marital estate as a pie and we divide that pie in half, each spouse will have 50% of what they had when married. I realize...…
Divorce and Keeping the House
Posted on May 7, 2015
Divorce and keeping the house is topic I address in every case. This is a tough issue… There are often times many good reasons to keep the house; it allows the children to be in the same school zone, attend the same schools and helps them maintain some sense of "normal" during the emotionally...…
Divorce and Alimony
Posted on March 1, 2015
Divorce and alimony are two topics that are highly emotional. Attorneys tell me the two most important factors considered when determining alimony are what the wife needs and the husband is able to pay. The wife must prove her need by explaining her expenses and ability to earn income. The...…
Divorce and Taxes
Posted on February 2, 2015
Divorce and taxes should go hand-in-hand like peanut butter and jelly. Well, not exactly like that but, tax issues should be addressed during divorce negotiations. If they are not, you could end up with a surprise tax bill in April 2016.
For example, if you think your divorce will be final in 2015...…