Get a Smart Divorce Blog

Financial Issues of Divorce

Posted on November 26, 2017

Financial issues of divorce need to be clearly understood by both spouses to ensure a fair settlement.  Think about this... divorce is 45% emotional, 45% financial and 10% legal... Find this suprising?  Perhaps you are new to the world of divorce?  Granted, every case is different but, divorce...…

Divorce and Alimony

Posted on August 7, 2017

Divorce and alimony are topics I discuss with clients every day.  It is really very straight forward and is all about the numbers... Attorneys tell me the main issues are how much does one spouse need and what is the other able to pay.  So, it is essential that both spouses have a solid...…

Divorce Settlements and the Long Term Financial Impact for Both Spouses

Posted on June 18, 2017

A divorce settlement needs to look at the short-term and long-term financial impacts.  In the short term, what can the husband afford to pay in child support and or alimony?  What are the monthly expenses (including taxes) for both spouses and the children?  What amount of alimony does the wife...…

Divorce and Clear Communication Between Spouses

Posted on May 29, 2017

During divorce clear communication between spouses rarely occurs.  This happens for many reasons and most of these reasons are tied to emotions.  While it is understood that communications will be strained, it is essential that divorcing spouses keep the lines of communication open.  That...…

Divorce and Verifying Numbers

Posted on April 11, 2017

I met with a client in my Brentwood office today and discussed his ability to get a mortgage.  He spoke with a mortgage professional yesterday and that person told him he would qualify for a mortgage.  The numbers din not look right to me.  So, I called the mortgage contact.  They had...…

Divorce and Children

Posted on February 27, 2017

Divorce and children are a topic I frequently discuss with clients in my Brentwood, TN office.  I have found it is critical to consider what is best for the children.  If the parents focus on that issue, the parenting plan falls into place.  Is it best for them to be on a 7 days off, 7 days on...…

Divorce and Communication

Posted on October 31, 2016

Divorce and communication should not be mutually exclusive. During divorce, it is essential for both spouses to communicate directly with each other. Many times divorce attorneys will tell their clients not to speak to their spouse because the attorneys will handle all communication. Really? Is it...…

Divorce and Paying For College

Posted on August 29, 2016

Divorce and paying for college are topics I routinely discuss with my Nashville and Brentwood, TN clients. But, we discuss far more than just college expenses. There are college search trips, SAT prep classes, professionals to help your child with their essay, application fess and many more you...…

Fair Divorce Settlement?

Posted on July 17, 2016

Is it possible to have a fair divorce settlement? Yes. It is important for both spouses to consider what they think is fair and why. They should make a list of what they want and another list of what they think their spouse wants. During negotiations too often, a spouse focuses only on their needs...…

Collaborative Divorce

Posted on May 31, 2016

Collaborative divorce, is it right for your situation? That depends on many factors. A key factor is, the amount of money you want to spend on your divorce. A collaborative divorce is expensive. Plan on spending at least $25,000 if you take this route. It is often far more than this amount. If you...…