About Our Founder

At Arons & Associates we credit our success to our founder’s business, management, and financial expertise. Forty plus years business experience has made Sandy Arons a well-rounded financial professional. Her employers have included Bridgestone Firestone, Epson America, and Johnson & Murphy. Regardless of the industry or job title, Ms. Arons consistently excelled and was repeatedly recognized at the national level. Smart divorcing couples and their attorneys benefit from Sandy’s unique qualifications and ability to help them understand the complicated financial and tax issues of divorce.

Rutgers University (1986)
Marketing minor with emphasis in Finance

Vanderbilt University (1994)
Owen Graduate School of Management

Flournoy A. Coles, Jr. Prize
A Letter From Our Founder
Dear Potential Client,
When I was going through the divorce process, I was frustrated there was no one available to help me with the financial aspects of my divorce. My attorney was helpful but this was not her area of expertise. My accountant explained his expertise was completing my tax return, not evaluating potential divorce settlements. My financial planner explained his expertise was managing my investments, not working with divorce settlements. My brother is super smart, but he had not been divorced. While he did sympathize with me, he did not really understand my situation and could give budgeting or financial advice. I kept thinking “Why isn’t there someone to help me with this financial mess?”
My 20+ years of financial and business management experience allowed me to approach my divorce differently than most divorcing spouses. I saw my settlement as a “product” my divorce attorney and I were presenting to my husband and his attorney. I needed to give them enough of the “right” information so they would understand and accept my “product” / settlement proposal. The reports I created contained my monthly budget information, analysis of our retirement funds and projected net worth for myself and my husband. These reports substantiated the basis for my requests. Ultimately, I got the settlement package I requested and deserved.
More good news is that because the data was so conclusive, arguing and conflict was minimal. Both my husband and his divorce attorney could easily understand the reports and follow the calculations / logic. When we did have areas of disagreement, the reports and graphs allowed me to educate without hostility. I wanted to defuse arguments with my husband as much as possible. We have two children together and it was important to me to have a decent working relationship for the many years ahead.
I started Arons & Associates Divorce Mediation because I saw a need for our services. We provide the “missing link” in divorce. I see this company as an opportunity for me to put my experience to compassionate use and help others through one of the most difficult times in their lives.
We plan for our wedding very well, and at that point we have few assets. After 10 or 20 years of marriage, we have accumulated some assets, so we need to plan for divorce equally well. Yes, marriage is a wonderful celebration. Divorce is not. However, if divorce occurs, the financial issues must be dealt with if we want to plan intelligently for our future.
Unless one is a parent, the demands of parenting can’t really be understood. Unless you have experienced divorce, you can’t really understand the emotional rollercoaster, or relate to being overwhelmed with nonstop attorney requests for financial information and paperwork. I understand what you are going through. Arons &Associates divorce Mediation wants to help you get the settlement package that you want and deserve. Don’t just get a TN divorce, get a financially smart TN divorce.
Humor can help us get through life’s most difficult times
Read some Tennessee divorce humor to lift your spirits.