Divorce and Communication

Divorce and communication should not be mutually exclusive. During divorce, it is essential for both spouses to communicate directly with each other. Many times divorce attorneys will tell their clients not to speak to their spouse because the attorneys will handle all communication. Really? Is it necessary for the attorneys to handle all communication? That causes the legal fees to sky rocket. If the attorneys charge $300 per hour, the client will be spending $600 per hour for the two attorneys to discuss who gets the couch and red chair. The resale value of the furniture may not be worth their fees. I feel it is best for the divorcing couple to minimize professional fees when possible and have some money left over to take a much needed vacation after the divorce...
I realize that tensions run high during the divorce process and communication is strained. That is why I encourage clients to use email when possible. This facilitates communication also provides a paper trail. Everyone is so busy trying to handle life, their job, the kids, the house and now divorce that it is easy for a spouse to not remember exactly what was said regarding a time to pick up the kids or a meeting time etc. Texting is also good but, emails allow you to print a hard copy for your files.
Regardless how a couple decides to communicate, it is essential that they keep the channels of communication open. I have seen too many cases where the a spouse refused to speak with the other spouse and it is not until the end of the case and when they each have a $40,000 legal bill that they regret their actions...