Brentwood divorce and post nup agreements

Three clients in my Brentwood, TN office this week asked me to help them with post nup agreements their estate planning attorney was drafting. So, thought I would write something these in my blog in the hopes the information would help another couple. These post-nup agreements all focus on financial issues so, it is wise they sought my input to ensure both spouses thoroughly understand the financial impacts of the document. With each case, we reviewed the financial goals of the spouses to confirm the legal document was alligned with these goals.
It was intersting to discover that while all three of these legal documents were impressive looking, used complex legal wording and were very well written, they did not accomplish the financial goals the clients were seeking. I was glad the clients found me and we were able to adjust the documents before final drafts were completed. If you are considering estate planning issues, I encourage you to not only have an excellent attorney but, also seek out a financial person who can add practical insights to ensure the finished product is right for your family.
Additionally, if you are considering a divorce, remember to consider revising your estate planning documents during the divorce process. Most family law attorneys who are handling your divorce can draft the estate planning documents you need at a fair price. If you have a complictaed estate, your divorce attorney can refer you to an estate lanning attorney they trust.