Divorce Parenting Plans Are Difficult

  Posted on August 30, 2014

Divorce Parenting Plans are frequently difficult to draft. I was meeting with a divorcing couple in my Brentwood, Tn office this week because they were arguing over how their child should spend time with each of them. I asked one question and it stopped the arguing…"What is best for your son?" Each parent was thinking only of themselves. When they focused on what was best for their child, the parenting plan fell into place.

divorce parenting plans

The children are often the innocent victims of divorce. The parents are in an emotional tug of war and both want to spend time with them. Sometimes, the parents forget they need to be focusing on what is best for the children, not what they want. This is understandable. The spouses lives are turned upside down, they are in a highly emotional state and being forced to make decisions at a time when they are not able to think clearly.

If you are reading this blog and in the divorce process, please take a moment to reflect upon your own parenting plan and ask yourself if the plan is designed to meet the needs of the children or the parents. Life is not fair and neither is divorce. If you put the children's needs first, the parenting plan will be much easier, you'll save yourself a lot of emotional turmoil and attorney fees too.

Learn more about divorce financial mediation and planning.

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