A client came into my Brentwood, TN office last week and mentioned she was so busy thinking about the kids and selling their house, she forgot to discuss who would take their two cats and two dogs. She insisted that because she was on the adoption papers, she should keep the pets. Although she was on the adoption papers for all the animals and clearly wanted to keep all the pets, she was not able to properly care for the animals in the two bedroom apartment she will be moving into when the house sale is final next week.
So I asked her a simple question, "What is best for the pets?" She reluctently agreed the husband who was moving to a small house with a fenced yard would be able to provide a better home for all the pets. Wife is currently house hunting and when she buys a new residence, she and her soon to be ex-husband agreed they will revisit the pet custody situation.
Family pets are important members of the family and their needs should be considered when discussing the settlement. Pets can bring a lot of joy into your life and they also bring additional expenses (food, grroming, vet, boarding). So remember to consider all the factors when considering who will take the pets.
Pet visitation is common. Pets can have shared custody just as with children. So, consider what is best for your family and your pet.