A divorce client came into my Brentwood, TN office today and told me their friend is getting a divorce and her attorney recommended she hire a forensic accountant to review the business tax returns. So, my client said she also wanted to hire a forensic accountant. I explained to my client that her financial situation was very straight forward and the investment of a forensic accountant at $5,000 did not seem necessary. I then reviewed the complete case financial information with my client to ensure she understood all the numbers. After about 45 minutes of discussion my cleint said, "Well, I can see why I don't need a forensic accountant for my case. My friend insisted that I needed a forensic accountant and I felt like I needed someone to protect me. I can now see that she didn't understand my case or finances."
This was music to my ears... The math of divorce is really not all that difficult. Most people have not been divorced before and are scared. They rely on their friends for emotional support and giving them divorce advice. The peer pressure from friends can be very strong indeed. I encourage all those divorcing to take the time to understand the numbers and secure their financial future.