If you are considering a divorce and want the process to be collaborative, it is essential you understand the first step should be to understand your finances. After you have gathered the appropriate financial information (assets, debts, expenses) and understand your financial reality, you will then be in the right frame of mind to have a productive conversation with an attorney to get meaningful legal advice. If you first meet with an attorney and do not understand your financial reality, the meeting with the attorney will likely leave you feeling even more anxious. This is not good for you or, your family.
Ensuring you have a collaborative divorce will require that you and your spouse work together and communicate clearly. Many of our clients have told us they communicate much better during their divorce process than during the marriage... Addressing each of the spouses critical needs and avoiding those always present "emotional hot spots" will help ensure the collaborative divorce process moves forward smoothly.
Based on my experience a collaborative divorce which first focuses on the financial issues results in an efficient process where the spouses control the process and fees rather than attorneys. This collaborative divorce process settlement meets the unique needs of the family, protects their important relationships and does not adversely affect the family bank accounts... Everyone wins in a collaborative divorce process that starts with reviewing financial issues rather than legal topics.
After all, in a divorce, emotional and financial issues comprise 90% of the divorce. Legal topics are only 10%. Spend your time and money during the divorce in these same ratios will ensure your collaborative divorce meets the needs of your family.